
Tweede Golf - Folkert de Vries, Systems Software Engineer

In this episode, we talk to Folkert de Vries, Systems Software Engineer at Tweede Golf, about how they use Rust to modernize the NTP protocol and build a new generation of time synchronization services.

Show Notes

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a cornerstone of the internet. It provides accurate time synchronization on millions of devices, but its C-based implementation, which dates back to the 1980s, is showing its age. In this episode, we talk to Folkert de Vries, Systems Software Engineer at Tweede Golf, about their work on reimplementing NTP in Rust as part of Project Pendulum.

ntpd-rs is an open-source implementation of the Network Time Protocol, completely written in Rust with the goal of creating a modern, memory-safe implementation of the NTP protocol.

Funding for the project came from the Internet Security Research Group and the Sovereign Tech Fund.

About Tweede Golf

Tweede Golf is a Dutch software consultancy that specializes in safe and privacy-friendly software. They work on projects that are critical for creating a safe internet infrastructure, protecting citizens’ privacy, and securing connected devices with Embedded Rust.

Tweede Golf is also an organizing partner of RustNL, a conference about the Rust programming language, which takes place in the Netherlands.

About Folkert de Vries

Folkert is a Systems Software Engineer at Tweede Golf, where he works on low-level protocols that ensure the safety and security of the internet and devices connected to it. He is an open source maintainer and polyglot, working with and extending languages as diverse as Rust, Elm, and Roc.

About corrode

"Rust in Production" is a podcast by corrode, a company that helps teams adopt Rust. We offer training, consulting, and development services to help you succeed with Rust. If you want to learn more about how we can help you, please get in touch.

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