Idiomatic Rust

Thinking in Expressions

Rust’s focus on expressions is an underrated aspect of the language. Code feels more natural to compose once you embrace expressions as a core mechanic in Rust. I would go as far as to say that expressions shaped the way I think about control flow in general.

“Everything is an expression” is a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s a useful mental model while you internalize the concept.[1]

But what’s so special about them?

Expressions produce values, statements do not.

The difference between expressions and statements can easily be dismissed as a minor detail. Underneath the surface, though, the fact that expressions return values has a profound impact on the ergonomics of a language.

In Rust, most things produce a value: literals, variables, function calls, blocks, and control flow statements like if, match, and loop. Even & and * are expressions in Rust.

Expressions In Rust vs other languages

Rust inherits expressions from its functional roots in the ML family of languages; they are not so common in other languages. Go, C++, Java, and TypeScript have them, but they pale in comparison to Rust.

In Go, for example, an if statement is… well, a statement and not an expression. This has some surprising side-effects. For example, you can’t use if statements in a ternary expression like you would in Rust:

// This is not valid Go code!
var x = if condition { 1 } else { 2 };

Instead, you’d have to write a full-blown if statement along with a slightly unfortunate upfront variable declaration:

var x int
if condition {
  x = 1
} else {
  x = 2

Since if is an expression in Rust, using it in a ternary expression is perfectly normal.

let x = if condition { 1 } else { 2 };

That explains the absence of the ternary operator in Rust (i.e. there is no syntax like x = condition ? 1 : 2;). No special syntax is needed because if is comparably concise.

Also note that in comparison to Go, our variable x does not need to be mutable. As we will see, Rust’s expressions often lead to less mutable code.

In combination with pattern matching, expressions in Rust become even more powerful:

let (a, b) = if condition { ("first", true) } else { ("second", false) };

Here, the left side of the assignment (a, b) is a pattern that destructures the tuple returned by the if-else expression.

What if you deal with more complex control flow? That’s not a problem. match is an expression, too. It is common to assign the result of a match expression to a variable.

let color = match duck {
    Duck::Huey => "Red",
    Duck::Dewey => "Blue",
    Duck::Louie => "Green",

Combining match and if Expressions

Let’s say you want to return a duck’s color, but you want to return the correct color based on the year. (In the early Disney comics, the nephews were wearing different colors.)

let color = match duck {
    // In early comic books, the
    // ducks were colored randomly
    _ if year < 1980 => random_color(),
    // In the early 80s, Huey's cap was pink
    Duck::Huey if year < 1982 => "Pink",
    // Since 1982, the ducks have dedicated colors
    Duck::Huey => "Red",
    Duck::Dewey => "Blue",
    Duck::Louie => "Green",

Neat, right? You can combine match and if expressions to create complex logic in a few lines of code.

Note: those ifs are called match arm guards, and they really are full-fledged if expressions. You can put anything in there just like in a regular if.

Lesser known facts about expressions

break is an expression

You can return a value from a loop with break:

let foo = loop { break 1 };
// foo is 1

More commonly, you’d use it like this:

let result = loop {
    counter += 1;
    if counter == 10 {
        break counter * 2;
// result is 20

dbg!() returns the value of the inner expression

You can wrap any expression with dbg!() without changing the behavior of your code (aside from the debug output).

let x = dbg!(compute_complex_value());

Real-World Refactoring With Expressions

So far, I showed you some fancy expression tricks, but how do you apply this in practice?

To illustrate this, imagine you have a Config struct that reads a configuration file from a given path:

/// Configuration for the application
pub struct Config {
    config_path: PathBuf,

/// Creates a new Config with the given path
/// The path is resolved against the home directory if relative.
/// Validates that the path exists and has the correct extension.
impl Config {
    pub fn with_config_path(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {

Here’s how you might implement the with_config_path method in an imperative style:

impl Config {
    pub fn with_config_path(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
        // First determine the base path
        let mut config_path;
        if path.is_absolute() {
            config_path = path;
        } else {
            let home = get_home_dir();
            if home.is_none() {
                return Err(io::Error::new(
                    "Home directory not found",
            config_path = home.unwrap().join(path);

        // Do validation
        if !config_path.exists() {
            return Err(io::Error::new(
                "Config path does not exist",

        if config_path.is_file() {
            let ext = config_path.extension();
            if ext.is_none() {
                return Err(io::Error::new(
                    "Config file must have .conf extension",
            if ext.unwrap().to_str() != Some("conf") {
                return Err(io::Error::new(
                    "Config file must have .conf extension",

        return Ok(Self { config_path });

There are a few things we can improve here:

  • The code is quite imperative
  • Lots of temporary variables
  • Explicit mutation with mut
  • Nested if statements
  • Manual unwrapping with is_none()/unwrap()

Tip 1: Remove the unwraps

It’s always a good idea to examine unwrap() calls and find safer alternatives. While we “only” have two unwrap() calls here, both point at flaws in our design. Here’s the first one:

let mut config_path;
if path.is_absolute() {
    config_path = path;
} else {
    let home = get_home_dir();
    if home.is_none() {
        return Err(io::Error::new(
            "Home directory not found",
    config_path = home.unwrap().join(path);

We know that home is not None when we unwrap it, because we checked it right above. But what if we refactor the code? We might forget the check and introduce a bug.

This can be rewritten as:

let config_path = if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
    let home = get_home_dir().ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(
        "Home directory not found",

Or, if we introduce a custom error type:

let config_path = if path.is_absolute() {
} else {
    let home = get_home_dir().ok_or_else(|| ConfigError::HomeDirNotFound)?;

The other unwrap is also unnecessary and makes the happy path harder to read. Here is the original code:

if config_path.is_file() {
    let ext = config_path.extension();
    if ext.is_none() {
        return Err(io::Error::new(
            "Config file must have .conf extension",
    if ext.unwrap().to_str() != Some("conf") {
        return Err(io::Error::new(
            "Config file must have .conf extension",

We can rewrite this as:

if config_path.is_file() {
    let Some(ext) = config_path.extension() else {
        return Err(...);
    if ext != "conf" {
        return Err(...);

Or we return early to avoid the nested if:

if !config_path.is_file() {
    return Err(...);

let Some(ext) = config_path.extension() else {
    return Err(...);

if ext != "conf" {
    return Err(io::Error::new(...));


Tip 2: Remove the muts

Usually, my next step is to get rid of as many mut variables as possible.

Note how there are no more mut keywords after our first refactoring. This is a typical pattern in Rust: often when we get rid of an unwrap(), we can remove a mut as well.

Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to look for all mut variables and see if they are really necessary.

Tip 3: Remove the explicit return statements

The last expression in a block is implicitly returned and that return is an expression itself, so you can often get rid of explicit return statements. In our case that means:

return Ok(Self { config_path });


Ok(Self { config_path })

Another simple heuristic is to hunt for returns and semicolons in the middle of your code. These are like “seams” in our program; stop signs, which break the natural data flow. Almost effortlessly, removing these blockers often improves the flow; it’s like magic.

For example, the above validation code can also be written without returns:

match config_path {
    path if !path.is_file() => Err(io::Error::new(
        "Config path is not a file",
    path if path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("conf")) => Err(io::Error::new(
        "Config file must have .conf extension",
    _ => Ok(())

I like that, because we avoid one error message duplication and all conditions start on the left. Whether you prefer that over let-else is a matter of taste. [2]

Don’t take it too far

Remember when I said “everything is an expression”? Don’t take this too far or people will stop inviting you to dinner parties.

It’s fun to know that you could use then_some, unwrap_or_else, and map_or to chain expressions together, but don’t use them just to show off.


The below code is correct, but the combinators get in the way of readability. It feels more like a Lisp program than Rust code.

impl Config {
    pub fn with_config_path(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
        (if path.is_absolute() {
        } else {
                .ok_or_else(/* error */)
                .map(|home| home.join(path))
        .and_then(|config_path| {
                .then_some(Err(/* error */))
                .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                        .then(|| {
                                .map_or(false, |ext| ext == "conf"))
                                .then_some(Err(/* error */))
                        .map(|_| config_path)
        .map(|config_path| Self { config_path })

Keep your friends and colleagues in mind when writing code. Find a balance between expressiveness and readability.


If you find that your code doesn’t feel idiomatic, see if expressions can help. They tend to guide you towards more ergonomic Rust code.

Once you find the right balance, expressions are a joy to use – especially in smaller context where data flow is key. The “trifecta” of iterators, expressions, and pattern matching is the foundation of data transformations in Rust. I wrote a complementary article about iterators here.

Of course, it’s not forbidden to mix expressions and statements! For example, I personally like to use let-else statements when it makes my code easier to understand. If you’re unsure about whether using an expression is worth it, seek feedback from someone less familiar with Rust. If they look confused, you probably tried to be too clever.

Now, try to refactor some code to train that muscle.

  1. The Rust Reference puts it like this: “Rust is primarily an expression language. This means that most forms of value-producing or effect-causing evaluation are directed by the uniform syntax category of expressions. Each kind of expression can typically nest within each other kind of expression, and rules for evaluation of expressions involve specifying both the value produced by the expression and the order in which its sub-expressions are themselves evaluated.”

  2. By the way, let-else is not an expression, but a statement. That’s because the else branch doesn’t produce a value. Instead, it moves the “failure” case into the body block, while allowing the “success” case to continue in the surrounding context without additional nesting. I recommend reading the RFC for more details.