Idiomatic Rust

Using Enums to Represent State

Many Rust beginners with a background in systems programming tend to use bool (or even u8 — an 8-bit unsigned integer type) to represent "state".

For example, how about a bool to indicate whether a user is active or not?

struct User {
    // ...
    active: bool,

Initially, this might seem fine, but as your codebase grows, you'll find that "active" is not a binary state. There are many different states that a user can be in. For example, a user might be suspended or deleted. However, extending the user struct can get problematic, because other parts of the code might rely on the fact that active is a bool.

Another problem is that bool is not self-documenting. What does active = false mean? Is the user inactive? Or is the user deleted? Or is the user suspended? We don't know!

Alternatively, you could use an unsigned integer to represent state:

struct User {
    // ...
    status: u8,

This is slightly better, because we can now use different values to represent more states:

const ACTIVE: u8 = 0;
const INACTIVE: u8 = 1;
const SUSPENDED: u8 = 2;
const DELETED: u8 = 3;

let user = User {
    // ...
    status: ACTIVE,

A common use-case for u8 is when you interface with C code. In that case, using u8 might seemingly be the only option. However, we could still wrap that u8 in a newtype!

struct User {
    // ...
    status: UserStatus,

struct UserStatus(u8);

const ACTIVE: UserStatus = UserStatus(0);
const INACTIVE: UserStatus = UserStatus(1);
const SUSPENDED: UserStatus = UserStatus(2);
const DELETED: UserStatus = UserStatus(3);

let user = User {
    // ...
    status: ACTIVE,

This way, we can still use u8 to represent state, but we can now also put the type system to work (a common pattern in idiomatic Rust). For example, we can define methods on UserStatus:

impl UserStatus {
    fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
        self.0 == ACTIVE.0

And we can even define a constructor that validates the input:

impl UserStatus {
    fn new(status: u8) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
        match status {
            ACTIVE.0 => Ok(ACTIVE),
            INACTIVE.0 => Ok(INACTIVE),
            SUSPENDED.0 => Ok(SUSPENDED),
            DELETED.0 => Ok(DELETED),
            _ => Err("Invalid status"),

It's still not ideal, however! Not even if you interface with C code, as we will see in a bit. But first, let's look at the recommended way to represent state in Rust.

Use Enums Instead!

Enums are a great way to model state inside your domain. They allow you to express your intent in a very concise way.

pub enum UserStatus {
    /// The user is active and has full access
    /// to their account and any associated features.
    /// The user's account is inactive.
    /// This state can be reverted to active by
    /// the user or an administrator.
    /// The user's account has been temporarily suspended, 
    /// possibly due to suspicious activity or policy violations.
    /// During this state, the user cannot access their account,
    /// and an administrator's intervention might
    /// be required to restore the account.
    /// The user's account has been permanently 
    /// deleted and cannot be restored.
    /// All associated data with the account might be 
    /// removed, and the user would need to create a new account
    /// to use the service again.

We can plug this enum into our User struct:

struct User {
    // ...
    status: UserStatus,

But that's not all; in Rust, enums are much more powerful than in many other languages. For example, we can add data to our enum variants:

pub enum UserStatus {
    Suspended { until: DateTime<Utc> },
    Deleted { deleted_at: DateTime<Utc> },

We can even represent state transitions:

use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};

pub enum UserStatus {
    Suspended { until: DateTime<Utc> },
    Deleted { deleted_at: DateTime<Utc> },

impl UserStatus {
    /// Suspend the user until the given date.
    fn suspend(&mut self, until: DateTime<Utc>) {
        match self {
            UserStatus::Active => *self = UserStatus::Suspended { until },
            _ => {}

    /// Activate the user.
    fn activate(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
        match self {
            // A deleted user can't be activated!
            UserStatus::Deleted { .. } => return Err("can't activate a deleted user"),
            _ => *self = UserStatus::Active

    /// Delete the user. This is a permanent action!
    fn delete(&mut self) {
        if let UserStatus::Deleted { .. } = self {
            // Already deleted. Don't set the deleted_at field again.
        *self = UserStatus::Deleted {
            deleted_at: Utc::now(),

    fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, UserStatus::Active)

    fn is_suspended(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, UserStatus::Suspended { .. })

    fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, UserStatus::Deleted { .. })

mod tests {
    use chrono::Duration;
    use super::*;

    fn test_user_status() -> Result<(), &'static str>{
        let mut status = UserStatus::Active;
        // Suspend until tomorrow
        status.suspend(Utc::now() + Duration::days(1));

    fn test_user_status_transition() {
        let mut status = UserStatus::Active;
        // Can't activate a deleted user

Look how much ground we've covered with just a few lines of code! We can extend the application with confidence, knowing that we can't accidentally delete a user twice or re-activate a deleted user. Illegal state transitions are now impossible!

Using Enums to Interact with C Code

Earlier, I promised that you can still use enums, even if you have to interact with C code.

Suppose you have a C library with a user status type (I've omitted the other fields for brevity).

typedef struct {
    uint8_t status;
} User;

User *create_user(uint8_t status);

You can write a Rust enum to represent the status:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum UserStatus {
    Active = 0,

impl TryFrom<u8> for UserStatus {
    type Error = ();

    fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match value {
            0 => Ok(UserStatus::Active),
            1 => Ok(UserStatus::Inactive),
            2 => Ok(UserStatus::Suspended),
            3 => Ok(UserStatus::Deleted),
            _ => Err(()),

Noticed that #[repr(u8)] attribute? It tells the compiler to represent this enum as an unsigned 8-bit integer. This is critical for compatibility with the C code.

Now, let's wrap the C function in a safe Rust wrapper:

extern "C" {
    fn create_user(status: u8) -> *mut User;

pub fn create_user_wrapper(status: UserStatus) -> Result<User, &'static str> {
    let user = unsafe { create_user(status as u8) };
    if user.is_null() {
        Err("Failed to create user")
    } else {
        Ok(unsafe { *Box::from_raw(user) })

The Rust code now communicates with the C code using a rich enum type, allowing for more expressive and type-safe code.

If you want, you can play around with the code on the Rust playground.


Enums in Rust are more powerful than in most other languages. They can be used to elegantly represent state transitions — even across language boundaries.

You should consider using enums whenever you need to represent a set of possible values, like when representing the state of an object.

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